Learning Blender with furniture.

● Modeling (chair)
● Textures
● Lighting
● Wind & cloth simulation

This project marked the final assignment of the "3D Essentials (Blender)" course I undertook, aiming to establish a solid foundation in Blender’s basics. While I was already familiar with the software, my understanding of the entire workflow, from beginning to end, required further depth.

I took on the challenge of creating the chair model myself, while sourcing additional elements from various sites. Being particularly drawn to the art of lighting a 3D scene, I drew inspiration from my previous experience as an assistant in a photography studio. Implementing this knowledge into my renders proved to be an enjoyable and exciting endeavor. To add a touch of vitality, I animated the curtain using a force field, infusing it with a sense of life.


Lego ● Interactive installation ▨ Group


Dream in shifts ● Video